Muscle Cramps: Common Myths and Potential Treatments

Reading Time: 10 minutes Muscle cramps are involuntary muscle contractions which generally won’t cause serious health problems, but are darn uncomfortable. The cause and best way to handle cramps remains somewhat of a mystery… Here we investigate the science behind the popular recommendations of magnesium and various other treatments that have been touted.

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Klotho Protein and The Fight Against Ageing

Reading Time: 10 minutes Klotho is a protein which has become much lauded for its anti-aging properties. Deficiency has been linked to degenerative changes in tissues and systems throughout the body. It’s an exciting and relatively recent area of research, with emerging evidence getting us closer to understanding its precise role, the value of interventions to increase levels… and determining what may be the best- i.e. safest and most effective- way to do so.

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Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss: To Eat or Not To Eat, That is The Question

Reading Time: 6 minutes Several friends of mine have tried intermittent fasting in an effort to lose weight. Intermittent fasting is a pretty simple idea: don’t consume any energy through food or drink for certain periods of time, in order to use up fat stores and lose weight. The results of these friends, and the  evidence more broadly, suggests that it probably does work- at least in the short term. Of course, any method of sufficient energy restriction will be temporarily effective- heck, if you only ate two chocolate bars a day, chances are you’d still lose weight. So the answer to whether intermittent fasting can help someone lose weight is obvious. But there are more pertinent questions we need to address, to determine how wise a method it is. 

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