
Hello there, I am Melissa. I like to research thoroughly, gather information, look at reviews and do a whole lot of thinking before making decisions. Oh, I also like a great musical, cooking and medical shows!

In my teenage years I suffered from severe acne, which made me feel very self-conscious. I had a poor self image and wouldn’t want to go out.  My mum suggested many different skin care products to try to no avail. I would get upset and angry that my skin wouldn’t get better. When Proactiv hit the market I begged my mum to buy it for me because all the celebrities who used it had the clear skin I wanted. It didn’t quite work out that way for me- Proactiv made my skin so much worse and I became more deflated.  After that, my doctor ended up referring me to see a Dermatologist which was the start of my successful journey of working with an expert in clearing my skin. These experiences taught me the importance of accurate, expert advice – and the fact, when it comes to health, there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

Now I’m in my mid-thirties, I’m on a new journey of figuring out  how to best take care of my health, holistically, as I age. My mum- who in her 70’s is still a beacon of health- is my inspiration. When I reach her age I still want to be able to workout with a kettlebell, have no issues with my joints and move around freely, be healthy and have the skin of a 50 year old. 

Through Evidently Healthy you can learn along with me about topics that are hopefully of interest to you too… Like why is everyone drinking collagen? I am interested in topics ranging from snapshots of beauty and healthy aging trends or ingredients, to movement and overall health for your body. Being informed will help us make good decisions for our bodies and health. 

At EH I support by expanding our footprint of the Evidently Healthy tribe, mainly focusing on listening to you, our audience, and ensuring we continue to deliver value.